Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Alnoor Ladha defines 'unity consciousness' as a profound state of awareness where the individual transcends the egoic boundaries and experiences an intrinsic connection with all existence. For him, it represents a holistic integration of self and cosmos, recognizing that separation is an illusion and that all beings are interconnected through the fabric of the universe. This consciousness emerges from deep inner work, an ongoing journey of shedding layers of individualistic conditioning and awakening to the fundamental truth of interdependence. In essence, Ladha views unity consciousness as a pathway to collective liberation, fostering a sense of sacredness in every interaction and promoting a paradigm shift towards empathy, cooperation, and enduring peace.

See also: non-dualistic thought, sacred activism, spiritual work, post capitalist

Alnoor Ladha - Mystical Anarchism: A Spiritual Biography 2,455